Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Paradise by the Dashboard Light

I've been accused of being a bleeding-heart left-wing whack job and those criticisms have ranged from socialist all the way up to RINO… Which is weird, because I am a conservative. But it's clear that I'm in the middle. Clowns to the left of me Jokers to the right. Here I am Stuck in the middle with you. (BTW Joker was the 2nd best movie I've seen this year).

So I asked myself…if I’m in the middle, why do I feel the same way as the Democratic House of Representatives feels. If I truly believe I am in the middle, shouldn't I have at least 50% love for Donald J Trump?

So I started to think about it...and as I started to think a transformation began. And the more I thought about it, the more I liked him. And I said to myself, "Let me sleep on it Baby, baby let me sleep on it Let me sleep on it I'll give you my answer in the morning." And in the morning I came to an answer. And the answer is sure I do. I love Donald J Trump. I love him as I love all of humanity. He has the worst job in the Country. I have great sympathy for anyone who wakes up in the White House and goes to work in the Oval Office. What a shitty job that must be. Meanwhile, I have the best job in the Country. I would never trade places with him or any other President. Not that anyone is asking me to.

But how do I, as a RINO, convince everyone else that they should reconsider their vote.  As I watch the impeachment procession currently going on in our great House of Representative, and Republican after Republican rises to provide their vote of support for Donald J Trump, I keep saying to myself, I must walk a mile in their shoes.  I must see what they see.  Politics aside, they either see good in Donald J. Trump or they are lying through their teeth.  I know what my liberal friends will tell me…  But it's so antithetical to what I  was seeing that I was compelled to put on my MAGA Hat and say, I support Donald J. Trump and reject the democratic attempt to over throw the wishes of 63 million Americans.  I will walk a mile in their shoes.

So what is it that they see?  Why do they see Paradise by the Dashboard Light?

So let's start at the beginning.  The ride down the escalator….  Yes, the arrival of the great disruptor.  I supported a businessman for president.  When the great Texan Ross Perot made his bid, I was behind him all the way.  Then he dropped out…then he came back…ugh…why did he do that?  Regardless, I can support a businessman.  If Bloomberg makes it through, he might very well get my vote.   I hate lawyers, first, "Let's kill all the lawyers".  I didn't say that…William Shakespeare did, it's not an original thought.  But I like Bloomberg, not because he's a democrat, but a businessman.  I speak business.  Our capitalist society runs on business, not just Duncan Donuts.  But I digress.

When I first heard Trump was running for President my gut instinct was, awesome…that will shake Washington up.  I'm a maverick…I always have been a maverick. That's why I liked John McCain…he was a maverick.  I'll hit the brakes; he'll fly right by...for you Maverick fans.  But  why McCain chooses a numskull as his running mate, the world will never know?  Yet I voted for McCain…yes, my liberal friends, I didn't vote for Obama, at least not round one.

Although, oddly, I rejoiced in his election…which I found somewhat peculiar to my emotions that day.  But I was swept up in the emotion of his electoral first.  Who wasn't?  His win was glorious by any standard or precedent.  I wished him, and our Country well.

So I liked what Trump represented, I still do.  He is the outsider, the disruptor, the drainer of the swamp.  I still love the idea of that…I'm still a maverick.  I haven't changed.  I still want a maverick in Washington.   But then I started to learn about the Donald.  That he doesn't read books, that he keeps a copy of Mein Kampf (or is it Hitler's speeches) near his bed, that he didn't actually write his book, "The Art of the Deal", that he wouldn't be revealing his tax returns to the public.  I don't give a shit how much money you made, or didn't make, if you are the President, somebody gets to see your tax returns.  Not me…I'm not gonna read them, as I don't care if he picked 4 deductions, or 2 deduction, it's not for me to judge another's income or personal financial affairs.  But why keep them secret?  You can see mine…

So, what are some more things I love about Donald J. Trump.  He's brash, I love that.  He's bold, I love that too.  Be bold, gusting to arrogant.  That's a motto I can live with.  Locker room talk.  If someone had a recorder on me, every time I said, shit, fuck or piss, in the office, my mother would be ashamed.  If also, one might be advised to know, the number of times I've looked upon a pretty girl, to paraphrase from Jimmy Carter during his interview with Playboy magazine in 1976, "…and lusted in my heart".   That is not a crime against the Country, nor should Donald J. Trump's locker room talk, necessarily be regarded as a crime against women.  His mocking of Serge Kovaleski was certainly a personal attack on Kovaleski, but in general he was demonstrating his disdain for the politically incorrect.  I love the politically incorrect and if you want to listen to me talking about the politically incorrect, and saying politically incorrect things, for which my daughter continuously corrects me on, I want to run and hide from this current generation of snow flakes, and millennial's who want their safe zone.  Fuck that, grow a spine. I'll bend over backward to help the disabled…there but for the grace of God, go I.  These days I push my mom around in a wheel chair, and change her diaper, and as her Parkinson's reaches stage 5, stay with her throughout the night, and move her, every few hours, so she doesn't develop bedsores.

All that caring for people doesn't mean I didn't laugh my ass off during the "R" rated movie, "The Hangover".  Should I quote the too numerous to count politically incorrect lines from that movie, with our "A" list sweetheart Bradley Cooper and the great Zach Galifianakis, uttering them non-stop.  "Calling Doctor F_got", I can't even type it…but I'm laughing inside.  If you can't laugh during that movie, you can't laugh. "Take me to the candy shop…" it goes on and on…

I love Trump's approach to Foreign policy, America is Great!  Fuck you China.  Not diplomatic, very dangerous, but I love the approach.  But let's return and work out the trade deal…  Same thing with North Korea…except now we are waiting on our Christmas present.  But I'm with Trump on this one…Fuck you dear leader, try it and you'll be sorry…  Let me reemphasize that…"FUCK YOU DEAR LEADER, WE WILL RETURN YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT IN KIND!"  I'm sorry to the snowflakes whose sensitive ears I may have offended...

I fear the witch hunt.  We've got a history of looking for witches, Senator McCarthy springs to mind.  We can't willy-nilly try to overturn the will of the people.  But as I look at my colleagues on the far-left, who have been trying to overturn the election since the beginning, and I look to my colleagues on the left, who see something has changed. And I look to those on the right, who just wanted to drain the swap. Someone has to be right.  Someone has to be wrong.  Thus someone is lying.

But here I am, walking a mile in your shoes.  I love Donald J. Trump.  I didn't vote for him…but those of you who have followed my previous posts, it was either voting for the possibility of a Tyrant (Donald J. Trump), I assessed to be at 5%, since we've seen a few tyrants rise in the past 100 years, or the rise of the Anti-Christ (Hillary R Clinton) which I assessed to be 1/2000, just guessing since we have only seen a single Christ rise in 2000 years….the probability of that happening, despite what the Republican Hillary haters and conspiracy theorist, may believe, is 0.05 %, just to do the math.  But I have given him the benefit of the doubt, since day one.  I've looked at the good of disruption.  I've looked at the Maverick in the room trying to gain the upper hand during negotiations.  Climate accord, who needs it?   NATO, yeah, pay your fair share!  Jobs...up, Wall...up, Economy...up.  Seems like we are making-out in the front seat, doesn't it?  But at what cost...?

So here we are…  I've said previously it's time to impeach. And now The House has just voted.  He's Impeached.  Will that hold in the Senate.  Odds are no.  But now I've walked a mile in your shoes…it hasn't changed my perspective.  Not because I don't understand what he brings, but because he's demonstrated he is far closer to the tyrant that I've feared could become Our President despite making me feel good when I say, "Fuck", at the office and "Merry Christmas" on the street.

Who knows what will happen in the Senate.  Regardless, he is still our POTUS and CINC until such a time as he is not.

Let's not let these proceedings tear the Country apart.  If the Senate says No, we still have November...

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