Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mooch's Black Cat

I begin by searching for my black cat in a dark room. I see a faint outline of her in the corner but it could be my imagination. She is close as I sense her brush by my leg. I call her name but she will not come to me. That is her nature, she is a cat. I get frustrated. That is my nature. I turn on the light only to discover that she is not in the room. That must be God's nature. As I turn to leave I see a box in the corner. I wonder if my cat is in the box. I also must wonder, as Schrödinger did, if my cat is alive or dead. That seems odd to me because this is no random cat, it is my cat. I am hopeful that she is alive. I curse the quantum foam and play along with the Fates. I open the box. My cat looks dead. She is motionless and her eyes are closed. I reach to touch her. She awakens, opens her eyes, and jumps out of the box...